Tuesday, April 8, 2008


the home is a place
where the heart seek solace
love and to be loved
pieces of memories intertwine
of good old days
collectibles of happiness
a never ending journey
of excitement

if you could see
the inner beauty
of me
love unfold
more precious than gold
strong and bold


you might not be rich
or have the most fabulous look
neither are you the angel
that descends from heaven
to comfort my restless soul...

you might not be on my side forever
or when i need you
there is only your shadow
by the window...
but still i could not let you go
and leave my heart alone
without someone to love...

there might be no reason at all
why i love you
and i hate myself when i love you so much!
sometimes i am not even sure of what you feel
but my love just keep on flowing
and would not stay still...

they say it is not worth loving you
my love is a mountain
your love is just a mole hill
but still...
i need someone to love
the gift i give myself
the endless flow of feeling
without asking anything from you
anything at all...

jurasic park 1998

Thursday, April 3, 2008


perlukah lagi keraguan
tentang Cinta ini
bila aku datang sejengkal
Engkau datang sehasta
ketika aku datang berjalan
Engkau datang berlari
tatkala hati penat menagih kasih
dan resah ini menduga kesetiaan
Kau kirimkan sakinah
dalam hujan airmata
terlerai segunung duka
perlukah lagi keraguan
tentang janji-janji
pintu taubat dan keampunan
aku hamba menatang seribu harapan
adakala mengunung mencecah awan
adakala rapuh dan jatuh berkecai
berilah wahai Tuhan
belas dan keredhaan
tidak serik aku meminta
pertemuan demi pertemuan
dan setiap apa jua yang Kau berikan
nikmat atau musibah
itulah yang teristimewa
hamba terima penuh keredhaan..


i thought it was work
life riddles with wealth and fame
what matters are the worldly expectations
and all this while
you were left alone
to complete the last puzzle...

it is not that you were not important
all my life you are the queen of my heart
but sometimes i am too blinded
fooled by my ego, my false dream...
l listened to you with my ears
not with my heart
i touched your hands
but not your soul
i took for granted that i care
but actually you were left alone
trap in the death snare
faith sometimes can be very cruel
yet life is full with ups and downs
now the fragile old lady is no longer there
the sofa is lonely
and the living room is so empty
i do not deny the truth
death is part of life
yet emptiness begins to grow
as happiness changs to sorrow...


mencari pemuda
wajah penuh cahaya
dalam jaga dalam lena
mempertahankan pencinta
dari malaikat yang menyiksa
memimpin tangan ku ke syurga
idaman setiap hamba

dapatkah aku pemuda itu
umpama mutiara di jutaan pasir
terdampar dipukul ombak
taufan dan badai melanda
di setiap ketika
pendakian penuh harapan
pencarian penuh siksaan
godaan dunia dan rakus nafsu
sedang ilmu dan kudrat
amat tipis benteng nya

mencari pemuda
teman gelita di alam fana
payahnya pendakian
peritnya perjalanan
panas rindu
getar harapan
itu sahaja di dalam genggaman

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Ingin ku pamirkan tangisan
Memujuk rajukmu yang tebal
Agar lentur hati yang keras
Mendengar rayuan hati
Dan sedu sedan hiba
Silih berganti didalam doa
Memohon engkau
Mentafsir harapan..

Payahkah membaca permintaan
Ayah yang memerah keringat
Menharung getir kehidupan
Menongkah cabaran
Segala ombak
Segala onak
Ku cabar
Agar kau melihat
Kekuatan ku
Menjadi manusia...

Perlukah ku mengemis pengertian
Dengan butiran airmata
Agar kau tabah meniti remaja
Agar kau cekal mengharungi kepayahan
Keperitan kedewasaan
Ubatnya hanyalah menempuhnya
Menelan kepahitan
setiap titisan kesusahan
sepanjang pendakian

berenanglah dalam badai kesakitan
rakitmu mungkin berkecai
dihempas gelombang
namun kecekapan menangani arus
tidak membiarkan kau lemas


mewarna gambar yang padam
dari lukisan hati
harapan bukan lagi senjata
bila rindu semakin pudar
mengejar suara yang hilang
dalam bisikan nurani
dahan-dahan kasih semakin rapuh
berkabung dalam sepi mu

ku cari alpa kudalam musim bermesra
menjejaki hati yang tak pernah pasti
sedang sangsi ku mula bertamu
akukah pungguk yang sering merayu?

lalu goyahlah keyakinan
terumbang ambing dalam gelora penantian
alangkah payahnya menyulam persahabatan
dalam kesiksaan mendaki
engkau menari di pentas sepi ku...

Little plates

the three little plates
they are lovely
they are cute
they are practical
they are harmonious
they make perfect gifts
oooh how i love them...

Al- Uluhiyah

Dan aku pun meminta pada Mu
Walaupun setitis sakinah
Mereda luka-luka masa
Membawa rindu
Menyulam resah

Entah apakah maknanya
Tersurat dan tersirat
Lalu denai-denai ini dipenuhi duri
Perangkap hiba
Menjerat hati

Tiada siapakan menyingkap duka
Memungut deraian kaca
Pun membasuh setiap lara
Bersarang di puing-puing sendu
Kau yang menulis takdir ini
Kau lah yang aku pinta
Padamkan atau leraikan
Tali temali yang menyimpul hati
Lewat hari-hari terakhir ku di sini
Melayari bahtera sukma


I believe teaching is developing
Every inch of a student personality
Cognitive, affective and psychomotor
An inseparable effort
In perfecting the human capital

Teaching demands passion
Of the teacher and the learner
Together they illuminate the torch of knowledge
And as they share and care
They acquire truth and wisdom

Teaching is a never ending adventure
The destination you can never sure
The teacher and the learner strive continuously
To explore, to discover and to enjoy
The fruits of their labor
At the end of the learning session

Teaching is a relationship
The novice and the expert
Exchanging roles in helping each other
Everyone is important in the process
And everyone should be rewarded

Teaching is not merely
Filling empty vessel with data and information
It is searching answers for the soul and mind
The effort to enhance human capabilities
Moment by moment
Day by day
Year by year

Nobody will say
Teaching and learning is over
Retirement and graduation
Do not seal the desire to learn
Nobody will say
“That’s enough…”
For “burnouts” are cowards
The fire to teach
The fire to learn
Will forever burn…